Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I would like to thank my family...

Wow... I went away for a few days to do house moving and came back to a link from BRK, a link from TeePee, who inspired me to write the lock leveling article in the first place and a whole bunch of nice comments. Thanks a bunch!

Looking back on it, it really does seem to favour the Affliction tree over the rest. I really want to try leveling as a Demonologist, but I guess the Affliction bug has bitten too hard. However, one thing I have noticed is that generally, it seems to level a lot like Hunters. Nothing inherently wrong with that, but since Mathe is also being leveled at the same time, I guess having Vis go Afflict would make more sense at the moment...

I am planning on a follow-on articles, mainly to take your toon from Lvl 18 to whenever is a good point to stop. But, I'm curious if it would be helpful?

In other news, there has been a whole bunch of leaks from the Wrath of the Lich King Friends and Family Alpha. I won't be repeating the info here (it's easy to find online anyway), but so far, there looks to be some neat additions to the talent trees.

One thing that is nice though is that having a level 55 character will unlock the death knight, who can be of any race! Guess the BECs will have a new sister come WotLK... :)


Anonymous said...

I really want to try leveling as a Demonologist, but I guess the Affliction bug has bitten too hard. However, one thing I have noticed is that generally, it seems to level a lot like Hunters.

Amen! When I rolled my sin'dorei warlock I specifically chose to avoid the Demonology tree. My main is a 70 kal'dorei Beast Mastery hunter and I didn't feel like having another pec-specced character running amok. I go back and forth with myself trying to justify not exploring the Demonology tree, but haven't respecced yet!

Anonymous said...

I tried rolling a lock (along with every other class) back at release, but was never able to get the play of it, so /dete. This last weekend, after reading your guide (and TeePee's) I tried again. Woo! So, I'd vote for "Moar Guide Plz!"

bandinoriel said...

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