Friday, April 11, 2008

Looking Good

While this happened a few days back, I didn't have time to get it written down till now... Bad me...

If you look at the screenshot of when my lock got her Felhunter (in this post), one thing you might notice is how nicely co-ordinated her clothes are. It wasn't planned, but just happened along the way...

For the record, if that's the look you want, Robe of the Moccasin, Feline Mantle, and Shredder Operating Gloves are the stuff you need.

However, since she is in her 30s, I went about getting her lock robes done. The first few parts were easy, a trip to the AH to buy an overpriced Robes of Arcana and get a Gold Bar out of the bank. Then, it's a round the world trips to kill some satyrs (which I managed slowly until Naraa came and mopped up the rest) and an inferno (which she one-shotted...) in Desolace... She had to go off, but Nraven was nice to help in AOEing down a bunch of Fire Elementals in Arathi.

So, Vis has new clothes, which were unfortunately, not an improvement (looks wise).

Now, the question is whether we should look into the Robe of Power, or hold out for the Shadoweave Robe?

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