Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ding Ding Ding

Since the last update, Sheanne crept past the 30 line whereas Vis has gotten to 39 before her rested XP ran out... Along the way, she had pretty much skipped all of Thousand Needles (except for that little bit required for her class quest). Frankly, I dislike the place. All those pillars meant that you generally had to navigate your toon around, whereas Desolace (which some really dislike), are nice and flat... Sure, the odd vulture or lizard might try to rip your head off, but that's life, eh? One nice thing about Desolace is that there aren't that many 'run back & forth' quests. You go somewhere, kill a bunch of guys, then move on. If you followed the entire series of quests in Barrens, you'll know what I mean.

After Desolace is a visit to everyone's favourite leveling ground in Stranglethorn Vale. With the enhanced leveling XP, it does make it possible to skip a large number of regions. Thus, to reduce the repetitiveness of leveling, I'm considering skipping STV for regions like Badlands and Arathi Highlands for some of the toons.

This is something to definitely consider for Mathe, as Badlands are a much better Mining spot than STV. But to miss out on the skins in STV... Decisions, decisions...

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